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Studies show that 72% of Internet users are not native English speakers, and 80% prefer to buy online in their native language. A professionally translated website is mandatory in order to reach international customers and to position your business for multinational success.

More than 75% of e-commerce is executed in English, Spanish, French, German, Japanese and Italian (though this number may change due to the impact of the economic crisis in Europe from 2010 to the present).

There are several important factors to consider when localizing your website:

The site needs to be localized not simply translated, i.e., it must be adapted to the local language, culture, conventions, etc. A simple example would be if you use measurements in feet and yards in a country where the metric system is dominant, your business will have a harder time gaining traction.

There are multiple ways to translate text - direct interface with the site's content management system, a direct translation of the XML/ HTML files or by providing the text in Word/Excel or other text files.

Content Management System integration – we utilize plug-ins for leading content management systems such as Drupal, Word Press, Joomla, and others. These plug-ins are simple to install and improve the translation process (no need to copy and paste text) and are an efficient way to keep the site up to date.

Translation of XML/HTML files – html and xml pages can be translated directly by uploading these files to the system. Native Speaker Translation Inc. has an internal XML/HTML editor that will only translate text without altering the HTML tags or meta data.

Translation of Word or Excel files – You may translate your site by copying the text from the site into Word or Excel. In this procedure, we recommend that you provide as much contextual information as possible, such as screen shots, links to the source pages, etc. Context is often important to assist the translator understand the text and so perform the translation correctly.

Once the translation has been performed, proofreading is recommended in order to verify that the translation was integrated correctly, that all the work remains in context, and that there were no errors.

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